I don’t know
how many times people have asked me if my Yorkies are “teacup”, “toy”,
“miniature”, or “standard” Yorkies. I
have tried to explain to them that there is only one classification for
Yorkshire Terriers. They are under the
toy group but are listed only as Yorkshire Terrier. This is what your papers will show whether they are from the AKC,
UKC, or CKC.
The breed
standard for Yorkies according to the parent club "The Yorkshire Terrier
Club of America" states that the "weight must not exceed seven pounds". This is the only statement made as to size
of the Yorkie, so whether it grows to be seven pounds or one pound the dog is
just a wonderful, beautiful Yorkie.
When you call
breeders that are advertising “Teacup Yorkies” you will find that the sizes are
always different. Some will sell them
as 2 to 3 pounds, others anything under 5, some even larger, but there is no
standard guideline for them to follow. The
reason for this type of advertisement can only be to try to convince people to
buy their "teacup” over another breeders “standard” Yorkie, they have not
researched and studied the breed that they are trying to sell, or they just
don't care. It is understood by most breeders
and buyers that the smaller dogs sell for a higher
price, but this can be done without giving a false
impression to the buyer. The breeder can simply
notify the buyer of the estimated weight of the
dog as an adult and the price they want for the
I can tell you that the first litter that Sassie and Cujo parented
ranged in size. One male at 4 1/2 pounds,
one at 5 1/2 pounds, one female between 4 and 5 pounds, and last but definitely
not least one male at 7 pounds. I kept one puppy from her second
litter to breed thinking she would be 4 1/2 pounds
and she weighs 3 pounds 13 oz. The point is
they are all just wonderful, beautiful Yorkies.
