Before Buying

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Before You Buy!!

I have recently heard of many stories from people that have Yorkies that are not acting "normal".  I was also asked what medications I give my dogs for their seizures to which I responded "my dogs aren't on any medication for anything".  I was then told that a friend of his has 2 Yorkies, both on seizure medication and the vet told them that this was common for that breed.  I found that hard to believe since none of mine have this problem and this was the first time I had ever heard that.  I know several small breeders and their dogs are not on "anti-seizure" medication.  In my research of the symptoms described I found that the puppies could be suffering from Liver Shunt Disease.  I don't know very much about it at this time as I have just started the research, but it is very bad. There is the possibility of doing surgery for it that runs a mere $2,000.00 or more. What is sad is that most of these people don't even know that their dog has a real problem.  Yorkies should not be running into walls "for no reason", pressing their head against the wall or other solid objects, they should not present major behavioral abnormalities such as circling, disorientation, listlessness,  unresponsiveness, balance problems, staring off into space, seizures, and they do not have a quiet demeanor. There are other signs of the disease but these are the ones that I heard or read during my research.  

Take your time with your purchase of a puppy. When you visit them make sure you see at least one of the parents (best to see both) and the whole litter if possible.  Also, consider the warranty offered and if there is one offered.  Check the puppy over carefully and see if you can see previous puppies that the breeder has sold. Try to research and study the breed you are considering so that you will have some idea if the puppy is a healthy representation of the breed.  

Yorkies are new family members.  They will be with you for a long time.  Try to make sure that this member will be a happy and healthy new addition to your household.



Counter added to this page on November 27, 2005.

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